There are several Kempe Foundations. The JC Kempe Memorial Scholarship Foundation is exclusively aimed at doctoral students and master’s students at Umeå University and can only be accessed through this page.

Apply for a scholarship from The J C Kempe Memorial Scholarship Foundation

Twice annually, Umeå student union announces the availability of scholarships from the Kempe scholarship fund. Scholarships are primarily awarded to those who are at the beginning of their doctoral studies with projects of a high scientific standard.

Application deadline HT24: September 30th.
The application is open.

Instructions for application

Report on granted funds

All scholarship recipients must report the results they have achieved with the aid of the funds received from the foundation.

Instructions for accounting of granted funds

Who can apply for a scholarship?

If you are a doctoral or master’s student and registered in Västerbotten, Västernorrland, or Norrbotten County, and a member of any of the student unions at Umeå University, you can apply for a scholarship from the foundation.

When will I receive a decision?

The committee that decides on the applications meets in May and November. Shortly thereafter, Kempes’ administrator will email out the decisions. Therefore, it is not possible to give an exact date for when you will receive a decision.

More questions and answers

You can apply for a reprioritization of the grant you have received. To send a request for reprioritization of the grant, do the following:

  • Write down the reasons behind your request and the project you wish to use the grant for instead.
  • We will also need a signed letter by the supervisor, confirming your application.
  • Add further appendices that are necessary for your application, for example accept or invitations.
  • When you have all the necessary documentation, you send it to the administrators, and they will check with the reviewer if it is ok that you use the grant in a different manner.

If you are granted a scholarship, you have 3 years to report the results, and you must do this before you can apply again. The report must also show a simple financial overview of how the scholarship was used, but we do not request receipts or the like. If the doctoral student has not used the entire scholarship, it is possible to either repay the unused part or send a request via
email to be allowed to use the remaining funds for something further connected to the project.

You can apply for a reprioritization of the grant you have received. To send a request for reprioritization of the grant, do the following:
• Write down the reasons behind your request and the project you wish to use the grant for instead.
• We will also need a signed letter by the supervisor, confirming your application.
• Add further appendices that are necessary for your application, for example accept or invitations.
• When you have all the necessary documentation, you send it to the administrators, and they will check with the reviewer if it is ok that you use the grant in a different manner.

The scholarship is aimed at all doctoral students at Umeå University, as well as master’s students, who live in one of the three Norrland counties and are members of one of the student unions. A high proportion of the applications we process each semester are from the field of medicine.

The scholarship cannot be used to cover regular salary from the department. If, on the other hand, a doctoral student has run out of funding in the form of a salary, a scholarship can be awarded to cover part of the salary, a maximum of 1/5 of the price base amount for 3 months.

The Kempe Board usually does not approve costs that should be covered by the department where the doctoral student works, the same applies to the cost of Open Access and basic statistical assistance. The department must provide these for its doctoral students. If the application concerns a specific computer needed for a specific purpose, or for example advanced
statistical analyses that the department cannot provide, the application can sometimes be approved if the applicant can justify to the Board why an exception should be made in that specific case.

We usually avoid giving excessively detailed instructions on what a résumé should look like, as it varies greatly depending on the applicant. Many send their regular CV. The most important thing is that you include the qualifications that you consider relevant to your application, such as your previous education, any publications you have had and other qualifications in e.g. working life that can be seen as beneficial in your doctoral education.

This is an extract from the Swedish Tax Agency that shows that you have a residential address in one of the counties of Västernorrland, Västerbotten or Norrbotten. What we need is a copy of your ID card from the tax authority, which is available on the Swedish Tax Agency’s website.

The advantage of having it paid into the department’s account is that it is linked to your project account and becomes easier to follow for you and the department. On the other hand, we have received reports in the past that overhead (OH) costs have sometimes been deducted when it is deposited in the department account, according to the university standard for OH. If the
money is deposited in the private account, there are no such regulations for better or worse. We do not make a valuation of an account that is specified; we only pay out to what is specified. Many also leave the field blank as they only get a project account when an application is approved.

If the applicant fills the general requirements, it is an excellent idea to apply. In the event of aggravating social and economic circumstances, the candidate can also apply for a scholarship to complete studies for an undergraduate academic degree, such as a one-year master’s program.

After all the applications for the application period have been thoroughly reviewed by the members of the Kempe committee, the administrator will contact everyone who applied for the scholarship with a notification about whether their application has been granted or not. Therefore, you will be contacted by the administrator via email.

The decision-making committee meets in May and in November. Shortly after the committee has made their decisions the Kempe’s administrator sends out the notification by email. It is therefore not possible to say an exact date when you will receive news about your application.

Kontakta Kempes stipendiefond